Friday, November 13, 2015

Sweden is now a changed country

For a long time Sweden has been accepting others who needed a safe haven. Until now, it has been possible to give those who came housing and help. This is not the case any longer.

When I booked my ticket to Sweden during the summer I had no idea that Sweden would change, maybe for good, in very dramatic ways in such a short time. And strangely enough it coincides with the time I have been here. Since I got here about 6 weeks ago, around 60,000-70,000 people have come as refugees. These are unprecedented numbers and the Swedish politicians seem completely unprepared that this could happen. Now, it has happened and they do not seem to know what to do or how to start managing this crisis.

Yesterday a decision was made to start implementing temporary border controls. It does not mean that Sweden is closing its borders but that they are requiring those who come to have valid passports or ID documents. The prime minister thinks that the number of reguees that are coming might even increase. Sweden has taken more refugees per capita than any other country within the European Union.

The situation in Sweden is getting serious as winter is approaching and there is not enough housing. Tents will be used to house some refugees, some refugees are housed in sports centres, and even in empty office spaces.

Not too long ago some refugees were sent by bus to a small town and parts of the refugees refused to leave the two buses they were traveling with. There have been different stories why they refused to leave the buses, but they were offered housing and food. It will most likely not be possible to pick and choose where you want to live as available housing is disappearing. This article was published about 2 weeks ago and the refugees finally left the buses.

Some refugee housing has also been burned down and the police is as unable to resolve these issues just as the politicians are. Where is Sweden heading? I don't think anyone knows as this is a completely new situation for Sweden and no one seems to be willing to make maybe uncomfortable decisions. More and more people seem to feel that Sweden is facing hard times and with more refugees coming into the country (who come from countries where there are wars and very different cultures) I have a feeling that Sweden is forever a changed country.

Maybe I am sounding harsh but I do not see a plan to help both the refugees and those who already live in Sweden. Without a plan, I don't see how this can be solved.

Around 1.3 million Swedes emigrated to the US in the 19th and early 20th century and came to states such as Minnesota and Wisconsin. They left for different reasons:
They were, however, on their own and had to endure harsh conditions. The famous Swedish author Vilhelm Moberg wrote a series of books about these Swedish pioneers.

This is a trailer for the movie that was made based on one of these books - The Emigrants.


Annika said...

Nej jag tror inte det finns en specific och bra plan trots att det borde varit klart sen 2009 att det här höll på att hända. Jag har också en del teorier om VARFÖR: Här kommer de (oombett!): Jag tror att tack vare och efter andra världskriget så var det inte längre sett som rumsrent och etiskt riktigt att avvisa invandrare. Under andra världskriget hade ju Sverige vägrat de flyende tyska och östeuropeiska judarna asyl ända fram till 42 eller 43!

Det försatte mittenpolitikerna i en svår position gentemot väljarna. De kunde förorda fri invandring och mer resurser till invandrarna. Men faktum var att de hela tiden visste att det fanns en tyst väljarbas som egentligen fortfarande inte ville ha in utlänningar i landet. Så om de gjorde det riskerade de att förlora väljare. Om de å andra sidan var emot invandringen skulle de se ut som - och bli attackerade som - rasister och fascister och förlora väljare på det.

Alltså gjorde de ingenting - eller iallafall inte mycket konkret - i flyktingfrågan och jag tror det är den här passiviteten som fortfarande sätter sina avtryck idag. Men nu är det ju omöjligt att sätta den frågan på sparlåga utan den MÅSTE hanteras - så antingen får Sverige nu bättre planer och mer konkreta konversationer...eller så stängs gränserna som det ju verkar bli....kanske blir det bäggedera.

Anne-Marie said...

Annika: Vad bra att du kommer med oombedda tankar. :)
Det visste jag inte om Sveriges agerande just betr. det du beskriver. Annars har man ju hört om att Sverige troligen stod utanför andra världskriget då man gav tyskarna fri transport genom landet.
Intressanta tankar och teorier du har. Du vet mer än vad jag gör betr. hur politikerna har agerat.
Om man fortsätter ta in flyktingar i den takt man nu gör kommer landet troligen att kollapsa mycket snart. Och man undrar vad som kan komma att hända efter vad som precis hänt i Paris.
Utan planer kommer med 100% ett kaos.