Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Gosh it is dark!

After 18 years at more southern latitudes than Stockholm I am realizing how dark it is in Sweden during the winter. It is easy to forget after a number of years.
It is a big difference between Stockholm and Weed when it comes to number of hours of daylight during the winter. Weed is at 41.4242° N latitude and Stockholm is at 59.3294° N. Big difference!

During most of October there were quite a few sunny days here in Stockholm and that made the afternoons and evenings quite a bit lighter. After Daylight Saving time stopped at the end of October the afternoons got darker quickly. For about a week now, the days have been gray and it stays only semi-light most of the day.
Today the sun rose at 7:48 am and set at 3:17 pm - 7 hours and 29 minutes of daylight. In Weed on the other hand the sun rose at 6:59 am and will set at 4:50 pm - 9 hours and 50 minutes of daylight. And it will of course get even darker until the winter solstice.

When Michael and I lived in Hawaii the days were about the same length every day. And the weather was about the same every day as well. It is interesting to live so close to the equator as there is a high degree of sameness when it comes to weather and climate.

Yesterday the sun was actually out for a few hours and I went for a long walk to a wonderful beech forest (not beach ;)). My friend's apartment (where I am now house sitting) is in the countryside outside of Stockholm with fields, forests, and farms.


em said...

Sveriges nordligaste bokskog. Det är en vacker trakt du hamnat i.

Anne-Marie said...

Margaretha: Japp, du vet vilken skog det är. :) En helt fantastisk liten skog och jag njuter av att gå i den.

Maria said...

Det marks verkligen att dagarna blir kortare och kortare. Blir morkt runt 4 pa eftermiddagen nu. Njut av den vackra omgivningen :) Kram

Anne-Marie said...

Maria: Jaha, blir det mörkt så tidigt redan hos dig. Här blir dagarna inte riktigt ljusa om det är mulet. Idag regnade det hela dagen så då var det skumt inomhus.
Om det är uppehåll i morgon skall jag nog bege mig till bokskogen. :) Kram!

Från Glam till Damm said...

Å vilka vackra bilder!

Jag köper Vitamin D Forte på hälsoboden på vintrarna, men det tog många trötta vintrar innan jag kom på det.

Åkersberga är nog ett bra ställe. Landet men ändå nära stan.

Ha en fin dag!

Kram, Anneli

Anne-Marie said...

Anneli: Roligt att du tycker om höstbilderna - tack! :)
Jag äter faktiskt alltid vitamin D - även i USA. Tror att det är en viktig vitamin som många har brister av.
Åkersberga är en tätort men där jag nu är, är det rena rama landet.
Ha det bra! Kram!